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Astrologer Saxena Blogs
Lapis Lazuli - My Experience.
Article on Planet Movement by a student Rahul
An article on dignity of Planets by a student Rahul
An Article on Vargottama Planets by a student Rahul.
Masculine & Feminine Energy in Astrology
Empty Houses in Astrological Chart
Introvert & Extrovert Use of Astrology
Is My Chart Good or Bad? - 2
Is My Chart Good or Bad?
Jeeva Karaka & Ajeeva Karaka - Revisited
Evolution Through Astrology
Fame After Physical Death
Concept of Dwij Dasha
Pallas-Athena in Astrology
Sedna Asteroid in Astrology
Juno in Astrology
Astro-Cartography and its use
Ceres in Astrology
Multiple Aspects on one House
Joint Impact on Jupiter-Rahu transit between Oct, 2018 to March, 2019.
Infidelity seen through Astrology
How to find Ishta-Devata?
Considering Planets as Persons/Individuals.
Steps of reading a horoscope
How to know trait/characteristics of a particular zodiac/horoscope?
Effect of Combust or Retrograde Exalted Planet.
Role of Aatma Karaka & Amatya Karaka in Career.
Planetary Positions for Tough Relations.
Concept of Cancellation and its reality.
Concept of Yogi, Avayogi and Duplicate Yogi Planet.
Series - Aspects of Planets in Astrology.
Career at Birth Place
Past-Life Expertise
Planets in 12th house and Spirituality
Life-Long Health Issues.
Illnesses to Parents/Other Relatives.
Concept of Dasha Pravesh
Understanding The Metaphor – Churning of Ocean.
Dasha Results - Favorable/Not Favorable.
How to see Longevity through Astrology?
Karmic Debt - Revisited
Fame as per Astrology.
Lack of Joint Impact of Jupiter-Saturn transits.
Understanding Retrograde Planets
Life Path through Astrology
Mahadasha Activation and its results
Progression Chart and Muntha.
D-7 chart/Saptamsha Chart and the way to interpret it
Prashna Kundali and its use
D-2 Chart or Hora Chart and its use
Special Lagnas in Vedic Astrology
Bhav Chalit Chart and its use
Dreams in Astrology
Outer Planets and their interpretation.
How to predict an event astrologically?
Panpsychism & Mythological Stories in Astrology
Divisional Charts and their right interpretations.
Darakaraka and its interpretations
Nodes and Illusion
Concept of Lilith - The Rebellious Feminine
Some Important Questions & My Responses.
Muhurt of C-Section.
Foreign Lands.
Negative Predictions Vs Positive Predictions.
Concept of Tara Bala.
Concept of Pushkar Navamsha & Pushkar Bhaga.
Maturity Age of Planets?
Introduction of Medical Astrology.
Planetary Results as per Nature and Dignity of Planets.
Concept of Desh Kaal Paristhiti - Revisited.
Planet in a Sign/Nakshatra
Predictions through Bhrigu Nadi Jyotish and my concerns with the system.
Planetary Placements for Fear, Panic and Anxiety
Concept of Sandhi Conjunction, Sandhi Aspect & Sandhi Period.
Need for Remedies
Concept of Frozen Grahas
Non-Manifestation of Planetary Results & Karmic Relations.
Mahavidyas in Astrology
Mental Reception of Event
Concept of Shoonya Tithi Rashi
Rashi Tulya Navamsha
Introvert Vs Extrovert
Retrograde Planet Dasha
Eating Disorders
Timing of Loss of Work or Business
Soul Purpose of Atma Karaka Planet
Impact of Transit Planets over Natal Chart Planets
Paradoxical Chart
Reasons behind Exaltation and Debilitation of Planets
Change in Belief System as per Astrology
Sharing Birth Details Online
Best Possible Results of a Dasha
Concept of Gullika/Mandi
How to interpret different combinations?
Trimshamsha Chart (D-30)
Concept of Argala
Karanas in Astrology
Dushthana Houses, Accidents, Surgeries and other impacts.
Different Systems/Streams in Astrology
Most Accurate System of Astrology.
Compatibility for Love Marriage
8th House & Treasures Involved.
Concept of Mrityu Bhaga
Early Success Vs Late Success in Life.
Planetary Placement for Legal Troubles.
Timing of getting a Job.
Why results differ for similar charts?
How to do Birth-Time Rectification?
Timing of Child Birth.
Kind of partner one may attract in life.
Importance of Jupiter Return.
Importance of Nodal Return.
Planetary Positions which are tough to initiate a relationship/marriage.
Planetary Positions related with Wealth.
Planetary Positions to do Business.
Concept of Who, How, What & Where?
Interpretation of Planetary Position
Vedha and Vipreet Vedha Positions of Planets.
Friends as per Astrology
Planetary Positions of Addiction.
Highest Expression of each ascendant
Dashas of Atma Karaka and Amatya Karaka
Concept of Intercepted Signs
Concept of Shoonya Tithi Rashi
Planet in a Sign/Nakshatra
Mool Trikona Sign of a Planet
Common Representations of Houses and Signs
Lordship of different signs
Badhakesh Planets.
Functional Benefic and Functional Malefic Planets
Exaltation or Debilitation of Planets
Concept of Combust Planets
Concept of Upachaya Houses
Interpreting Planets in different degrees
Gandanta Degrees or Gandanta Points
Marana-Karakasthan of Planets
Rule behind friendship/enmity of planets
Ashtakoot System of Matching Horoscopes - 2
Concept of Lajjitadi Avasthas
Concept of House Cusps.
Planetary Positions for Infidelity
Concept of various groups of Varga Charts
Finding Muhurt or Auspicious Time
Concept of Sarvashtakvarga (SAV) & Ashtakvarga (AV)
Ashtakoot System of Horoscope Matching
Concept of Shadbala
Introduction of Lal Kitab Astrology
Introduction of Jaimini Astrology
Dashamsha Chart (D-10) and the way to read it.
Navamsha Chart (D-9) and the way to read it
Shastiamsha Chart (D-60) and Moola Dasha
Concept of Bhrigu Bindu
Ishta-Devata in Astrology
Considering Planets as Persons/Individuals
Steps involved to read a chart.
Traits of a particular sign
Result of Exalted + Combust Planet or Exalted + Retrograde Planet.
Importance of Aatma Karaka and Amatya Karaka
Planetary Positions for Separation
Concept of Cancellation of Planetary Impact.
Yogi, Avyogi and Duplicate Yogi Planet
Aspects of Planets in Astrology
Lack of joint impact of Jupiter-Saturn
Concept of Progression Chart & Muntha
Questions on Horoscope Matching & Various Systems of Astrology
Negative Impact Vs Positive Impact
Concept of Tara Bala
Concept of Pushkar Navamsha & Pushkar Bhaga.
Introduction of Medical Astrology
Nature, Dignity & Results of Planets
Introduction to Bhrigu Nadi Jyotish
Planetary positions for Fear, Anxiety or Panic
Sandhi Conjunction, Sandhi Aspect & Sandhi Period.
Planetary Positions for Singer or Musician.
Timing of Accidents
Most Accurate System of Astrology
Treasures of 8th house.
Early Success Vs Late Success
Planetary Positions for Imprisonment
Timing of Jobs
Similar Chart - Different Results
Birth Time Rectification
Kind of partner you may attract.
Timing of Child Birth
Importance of Jupiter Return
Importance of Nodal Return
Possibility of denial of relationship
Astrology & Wealth
Planetary Positions for Businessman
Concept of Who, How, What and Where?
Concept of Vedha & Vipreet Vedha
Planetary Positions for Addiction
Pitra Dosh.
Concept of Desh Kaal Paristithi and Bhagyodaya.
Timing of buying a home.
House to House Concept
Bhavat Bhavam
Karakas of Astrology
Mahadasha Results
Fame through Astrology
Foreign Travels seen through Astrology
Rules of Horoscope Matching
Time Based Predictions
Importance of Current Transits
Dasha Activation
Western Astrology and Vedic Astrology
Degrees in Horoscope
Kendra-Adhipati Dosha
Upapada Lagna
Arudha Lagna
Karaka Nash Bhava
Jeeva Karaka & Ajeeva Karaka