Posts on Joint Impact of Jupiter-Saturn-Ketu-Rahu on Sagittarius and Saturn-Rahu on Libra sign and Stellium.
Posts on Joint Impact of Jupiter-Saturn-Ketu-Rahu on Sagittarius and Saturn-Rahu on Libra sign and Stellium.
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Post on 17th Dec, 2019
Joint Impact of Rahu-Saturn on Libra sign for Scorpio Ascendant people.
Introductory Article -
1. For Scorpio people, this joint impact will happen in 12th house/Libra of foreign lands, spirituality, hospitals and expenses. So, they will see Rahu-Saturn impact in 1st house related matters.
2. It means there will be stress around 12th house related things. Person can feel stress around his expenditure and health matters. They may be trying their best to reach foreign lands and may feel that their efforts are not yielding much results.
3. If they are already in foreign lands, they must try their level best to avoid any conflicts there which can land them into a stressful situations. Any journey to-and-fro foreign lands could have its own stress involved.
4. They must try their best to hold on to their expenses else it can lead to financial crisis in future.
5. As it is also house of spirituality, a spiritually evolved Scorpio will put efforts in spiritual pursuits like meditation and seek spiritual up-lift.
6. As it is also house of bed-pleasures, Scorpio people may feel limitation in their benefits of bed-pleasures.
7. Here, it is important to understand the nature of aspects Rahu and Saturn are casting. It is Rahu's 5th aspect which is about educating, learning something new and avoiding illusion. Likewise, it is Saturn's 10th aspect which is about taking up responsibility and duty of the house where aspect is going.
8. So, Rahu's aspect will require them to learn and educate about 12th house related matters and avoid any illusion. Like, they should remain pro-active in understanding their health issues, financial situations etc to avoid any major losses of 12th house.
9. At the same time, Saturn's aspect on 12th house shows that person needs to take up duty or responsibility related with 12th house related matters and they need to deal with them in a very practical way and realize the limitations attached with those matters.
10. So, Rahu-Saturn joint impact on Libra for Scorpio ascendant can bring frustration around finance, relation or health matters.
Needless to say that these results are of course along with the dasha and other transits person is going through. As always, everything is in addition.
Hope this helps. Thanks,
Swami Premanand Bharti
Post on 19th Dec, 2019
Some tips to go through this troublesome transit of Stellium in Sagittarius - (as much as I could understand) -
1. It certainly looks like The Most Difficult Transit since the time I actively started following Astrology, i.e. since 2013.
2. Too many planets in 1 sign is just like 4-5 people staying in one room. It will only lead to chaos. Nothing can be predicted with more certainty in such cases.
3. As all planets get stuck together, we may feel that things are not moving in life despite our best efforts.
4. So, the only way to deal with this heavy energy and sail through this transit is not to take things very seriously and create stress over you. Avoid over-reaction, being judgmental or opinionated and conflicts as much as possible. Understand that it is just a phase and like every other phase, even this will pass-away.
5. Again, look for omens and indications to guide you. If you are facing lots of troubles in completing a task then it might be a wise idea to drop that task for a while. Last thing you want to be is rigid, stubborn and fundamentalist in your approach.
6. Also, as Sagittarius is 12th from Capricorn, the sign of Govt and Authority, which shows loss of Capricorn related matters, this huge energy in Sagittarius shows that next couple of months may not be very good for Govt and people in authority positions. It is certainly not the time to be authoritative.
7. Sentencing of Former Pakistan President Gen Musharraf and Impeachment of US President Trump shows the same results. These things may grow as we come closer to solar eclipse on 26th Dec.
8. We can say that we can see the peak point of this stellium result on 26th-27th Dec.
9. Try to be calm and avoid over-reaction or conflicts over your beliefs.
Post on 21st Dec, 2019
Joint Impact of Jupiter-Saturn at axis of Ketu-Rahu for Scorpio Ascendant people.
Introductory Articles - and
1. For Scorpio people, this joint impact will happen at the axis of 2nd house and 8th house.
2. As we know that this axis of 2nd house/8th house is related with wealth mainly, either your own wealth or others' wealth, their focus can remain managing wealth matters. As these are also family oriented houses, they can also be focused in their family matters.
3. Saturn-Ketu-Jupiter transiting in 2nd house/Sagittarius shows that person can be focused at matters related with knowledge, collection of information. As Sagittarius represents education, this conjunction can also make you gain further education. Hence, they must utilize this time in gaining more education and knowledge. They also need to take care of mother.
4. At the same time, it is also house of speech, family and wealth. As 2 strong malefics are in 2nd house, they need to manage their resources/wealth in a better way else they can get into situation of lack of resources. One of the misconception we can have is that if many planets are transiting 2nd house then person can get lots of wealth. Being a Scorpion myself, I would love it but it doesn't work like this. It only means that person's focus would be wealth related matters and he needs to learn to manage his wealth in a better way.
5. Also, this conjunction can create a separation from their family, i.e. either they can be away from family or they can have a feeling of separation from family despite living under the same roof. So, their focus can also be to manage their family affairs in a better way. They also need to be cautious in what they speak as 2 malefics in 2nd house of speech can make speech malefic and it can sever the family ties
6. Once Saturn moves into 3rd house/Capricorn then this joint impact of Jupiter at the axis of Rahu-Ketu will be a relieving combination as additional malefic energy of Saturn will be gone and Ketu will be in Jupiter ruled sign Sagittarius, hence working under Jupiter. Then people can expect better results. At that time, they can expect better wealth or better family relations.
7. As Rahu and Jupiter both are expansive planets, their mutual aspect can expand wealth and family, but as Rahu-Ketu remain malefic forces, they need to work on saving that wealth too.
8. As Rahu is transiting in 8th house/Gemini, they need to be careful against accidents and surgeries. Major changes in overall life can come-up.
Overall, the focus would be on matters related with knowledge, wealth and family matters.
Hope this helps. Thanks,
Swami Premanand Bharti
Post on 26th Dec, 2019
Joint Impact of Rahu-Saturn on Libra sign for Sagittarius Ascendant people.
Introductory Article -
1. What a day to write about impact on Sagittarius ascendant when almost the whole planetary family is chilling in Sagittarius. :D
2. For Sagittarius people, this joint impact will happen in 11th house/Libra of income/gains, elder sibling, serving humanity and entrepreneurship etc. So, they will see Rahu-Saturn impact in 11th house related matters.
3. It means there will be stress around income and gains. They need to be smart in money matters. Any carelessness in dealing with money can lead to situations of lack of resources. Likewise, they may feel stress and frustrations regarding their desires in life
4. It can also create stress with elder sibling, if any. It is better to keep a distanced relation with them and not to expect much from them.
5. As it is also house of promotions and R&R, people would find it difficult to get proper appreciation and recognition for their work in job setup. They can feel that they got very limited results of their efforts in job setup.
6. This lack of results at job setup can very well be the omen and indication towards starting their own work as it is the house of entrepreneurship. Universe can be pushing them to start their own business by giving hardship at job setup.
7. As it is also 8th from 4th house, there are chances of relocation and they need to be careful about their mother's health during this time.
8. Here, it is important to understand the nature of aspects Rahu and Saturn are casting. It is Rahu's 5th aspect which is about educating, learning something new and avoiding illusion. Likewise, it is Saturn's 10th aspect which is about taking up responsibility and duty of the house where aspect is going.
9. So, Rahu's aspect will require them to learn and educate about 11th house related matters and avoid any illusion. Like, they should remain pro-active in understanding their monetary situation and how they can serve others through entrepreneurship.
10. At the same time, Saturn's aspect on 11th house requires practicality in money matters. It also shows that a realistic attitude is necessary in matters of desires from others, as to how much they can expect from others and where the desires are exceeding practical limitations.
Needless to say that these results are of course along with the dasha and other transits person is going through. As always, everything is in addition.
Hope this helps. Thanks,
Swami Premanand Bharti
Post on 28th Dec, 2019
Joint Impact of Jupiter-Saturn at axis of Ketu-Rahu for Sagittarius Ascendant people.
Introductory Articles - and
1. For Sagittarius people, this joint impact will happen at the axis of 1st house and 7th house.
2. As we know that this axis of 1st house/7th house is related with relationship matters, either with self or with other people, their focus can remain managing relationship here.
3. Saturn-Ketu-Jupiter transiting in 1st house/Sagittarius shows that person can be focused at matters related with knowledge, collection of information. As Sagittarius represents education, this conjunction can also make you gain further education. Hence, they must utilize this time in gaining more education and knowledge.
4. At the same time, it is also house of self, life path and physique. As 2 strong malefics are in 1st house, they need to take care of their overall health, especially the head portion of body. It also means that their can be an overall change in life path or people perception about you. Like, they can completely change their work or career. It also can mean a life long change in physique of person due to some injury or accident.
5. Also, this conjunction can make them question themselves a lot about their right life path or purpose in life. They can also develop a feeling of lack of self-worth.
6. Once Saturn moves into 2nd house/Capricorn then this joint impact of Jupiter at the axis of Rahu-Ketu will be a relieving combination as additional malefic energy of Saturn will be gone and Ketu will be in Jupiter ruled sign Sagittarius, hence working under Jupiter. Then people can expect better results. At that time, they can expect better results in their overall life or growth expansion in overall life.
7. As Rahu and Jupiter both are expansive planets, their mutual aspect can grow their public recognition or image. It also means that they will be gravitated towards relationship or business as both planets will expand these desires. Best results in matters of wealth can only be seen through business.
8. As Saturn moves in 2nd house/Capricorn of wealth, they need to be very careful and smart with their money matters for coming 3 years' time.
Overall, the focus would be on matters related with knowledge, relationship and business matters.
Hope this helps. Thanks,
Swami Premanand Bharti