Rahu in Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra

Rahu in Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra

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Let’s look at important things here –


Rahu - It represents Illusion, Foreign Lands, Foreign Things (foreign as in unknown things. So, for someone living in Punjab, culture and rituals of Kerala is also unknown and hence Foreign), Drugs, Medicines, any type of intoxication, Fame, Wealth, Success, Obsession, Past-life incomplete Desires, Movies, Television, Online World, Cheating, Imagined Fears, Unusual Things, Unique Things, Creativity, Rule breaker. Rahu also blows things out of proportions.


Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra - It is a nakshatra related with mystical events and experiences. It is also nakshatra of duality. Please check this link for more info on Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra - https://www.astrosaxena.com/pbnaksha.


Aquarius - As Purva Bhadrapada is part of Aquarius sign, Aquarius and things represented by Aquarius are also important here. Aquarius is 11th sign of zodiac belt, hence it signifies the things and energy related with 11th house of horoscope, such as Gains, Desires, Hopes and Wishes, Large Organisations, Network Circles etc. Besides this, Aquarius also represents Scientific Thinking & Research, Uplifting the Society, Higher Goals & Rewards for all. Aquarius is made of another set of 2 and half Nakshatra, i.e. Dhanishtha, Satabhisha and Purva-Bhadrapada. Aquarius Lord is Saturn & Rahu.


Pisces - As Purva Bhadrapada is also a part of Pisces sign, Pisces and things represented by Pisces are also important here. As Pisces is the 12th sign of zodiac belt, it represents the same energy and things which are represented by 12th house such as Isolated Places, Spirituality, Imagination, Other Dimension or Other World etc. Besides these things, it also represents your Hidden Talents, Ability to work in background, Spiritual Self etc. Pisces is consisted of last 2 and half nakshatra, i.e. Purva-Bhadrapada, Uttara-Bhadrapada & Revati. Pisces' lord is Jupiter.


Saturn & Rahu - As Saturn-Rahu co-rule Aquarius, their position and dignity is important to know about the overall functioning of any planet in Purva Bhadrapada/Aquarius.


Jupiter - As Jupiter rules Purva Bhadrapada and Pisces, its position and dignity is important to know about the overall functioning of any planet in Purva Bhadrapada/Pisces.


Houses Involved – Also, we can’t afford to forget the houses involved as a planet can be ruling different houses and sitting in different house for every person as per ascendant and planet’s position. To know overall affect, we have to consider the houses involved as those areas of life are being impacted.


Interpretation of Rahu in Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra – Rahu is in Jupiter’s nakshatra here. In Aquarius section, it is in own sign ruled by Saturn-Rahu and  in Pisces section, it is in Jupiter’s sign. It is nakshatra of initial or early spiritual experiences. Rahu represents our obsessions. So, this is the place from where a demonic energy of Rahu starts transforming itself into more positive traits and characteristics. Person will still be obsessed but now, he can be obsessed about spiritual pursuits like meditation etc and would try to go towards some initial spiritual experiences. Now also, it is desire moving the person but it is little bit better desire than wealth, power and prestige. This placement of Rahu can be best utilized when person devotes himself on spiritual path. If they follow spirituality then they can have some spiritual/mystical events or experiences in life. Spirituality and Mysticism can be matters of obsession for them. In Aquarius section, they can be more about serving others through these spiritual/mystical experiences. In Pisces section, they can be more involved in spirituality for their own evolution. We can also say that in Aquarius section, person wants to make business and gain out of it but in Pisces section, they can be more inclined to serve people spiritually without any desire of any return. As Purva Bhadrapada is represented by a double-faced person and Rahu is all about illusion, it can also create someone who is fraud or con-man in spiritual field.   

This double-faced representation can impact their personal life too where they can get into split or separation in relationship or family. It can create difficulties in relationship life. Rahu here also shows possibility of multiple relationship, cheating or infidelity.

Role of Saturn & Rahu - Saturn-Rahu placement is important to guide Rahu in right direction, being Aquarius lords.


Role of Jupiter - Jupiter placement is important to guide Rahu in right direction, being Pisces lord.


Other Factors – And of course, we need to consider conjunction, aspects, house lordship, house position and dashas etc to know the exact results of Rahu in Purva Bhadrapada. So, we always need to take a holistic view of chart rather than just 1 planetary position.


Conclusion – So, this is how I see Rahu in Purva Bhadrapada can work in a chart.



Hope this helps. Please post any comment or query you may have.




Swami Premanand Bharti