Krittika - Ascendant Nakshatra Life Pattern

Krittika - Ascendant Nakshatra Life Pattern

Please refer to the introductory article here – to understand the theme and purpose of this series.

So, now we will try to understand that what will happen if Krittika Nakshatra is someone’s Ascendant Nakshatra and how it is going to impact the life pattern of person?

So, let’s cover this article under the following points –

Ascendant Nakshatra – Then there is something called Ascendant Nakshatra. It is based on the degree of Ascendant (please find introduction of all the Nakshatras here - If Ascendant shows the life path then Ascendant Nakshatra will show the pattern of life. It shows the activities we follow throughout life as pattern.

Krittika - It is nakshatra of criticism, cutting things, surgeries and bloodshed. Also, it is nakshatra of child care, secrecy, research, protection and foster parenting etc. It spreads from Aries to Taurus. It is ruled by Sun. For more info on Krittika, please check this link - . Now, if Ascendant Nakshatra is Krittika then Ascendant can be Aries or Taurus.

Effect of Krittika Nakshatra as Ascendant Nakshatra – Krittika Nakshatra is related to critical/analytical nature or a person who is in work like critic or editing/analyzing. This nakshatra is also related with weaponry or any sharp edged object and any work related with these things.

Then it is also a nakshatra of safety, security and stability. Krittika also represents research work and dangers to life. It also becomes nakshatra of nourishing others without any selfish interest, safeguarding them and foster parenting. All these traits can be part of life pattern for a native who has Krittika as ascendant nakshatra.

Ascendant Nakshatra Lord’s Position – Now, as ascendant shows our life path and ascendant lord’s position in chart shows the direction of life path; likewise, ascendant nakshatra shows our life pattern and position of ascendant nakshatra lord in chart shows that in which area of life, the life pattern will be exhibited.

Like, we have discussed all above traits and characteristics of Krittika Nakshatra which (any of them) can become Life Pattern for someone if it is person’s ascendant nakshatra. Now, in whichever House/Sign Krittika’s lord Sun is placed in an Aries/Taurus Ascendant's chart, person may get Sun’s results there as per dignity of Sun. Additionally, person’s life pattern involving aforementioned activities can be exhibited from the house/sign wherever Sun is placed in chart; yet again as per the dignity of Sun.

Here, going through Sun’s position in each house/sign can be repetitive or monotonous. So, for understanding the end result, we can rely on the Concept of Who, How, What & Where -

“Where” is the House where event is happening.

“What” is the Sign which is indicating towards event.

“Who” is the Planet who is bringing the event; and

“How” is the quality of event which depends on nature and dignity of planet.

For example in this matter, Sun in 5th house/Leo (for Aries ascendant chart) would show that person’s life pattern can be about nourishing others (by any of the above activities) through his education or creativity. As Sun is in own sign, it shows that following this life pattern can be easy and person can be benefitted without much efforts.

Whereas, Sun in 10th house/Aquarius (for Taurus ascendant chart) would show that person’s life pattern can be about nourishing or serving people (by any of the above activities) through large organizations or own entrepreneurship. But now as Sun is in enemy sign, it shows that following this life pattern can be challenging and person may face lots of obstacles on the way and person can be benefitted only after putting serious efforts and hard work. It also shows difficulties with authority figures.

Final example, Sun in 7th house/Scorpio (For Taurus ascendant chart) would show that person’s life pattern can be about serving and nourishing people ((by any of the above activities)) through his own business. Now as Sun is in friendly sign but at the same time, it is in a difficult sign of instability, person can be feeling instabilities around relationship (living significances). As Sun is in friendly sign Scorpio, it shows that person can gain in business matters but when it comes to relationship or benefits from authorities, this position can be difficult.

Needless to say that natural results of Sun, as a planet of career, authority and health will still be exhibited in the house where it is sitting; as per its dignity.

Like this, we can understand about how and where the ascendant nakshatra lord is exhibiting the results of life pattern. In further articles of Ascendant Nakshatra and Life Pattern, I will cover other house/sign positions which would help us in learning interpretation of Ascendant Nakshatra and Life Pattern in a more holistic way.

Dignity – As always, Dignity of Planet has the highest say. If Sun is in exaltation (Aries), Own Sign (Leo), Friendly Signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Pisces) and Neutral Signs (Gemini and Virgo), there is a potential that person can get results without much difficulties or obstacles. When Sun is in Enemy Sign (Taurus), Saturnine Signs (Capricorn & Aquarius) and Debilitated Sign (Libra) then things can be difficult to achieve and extra hard work is needed to be done.

Even this distinction can be understood differently by different people. Many a times, we don’t value things which are easily achieved or available to us and we end-up in valuing those things for which we had to work really hard. So, it is very difficult to judge as to which result is good or which result is bad. It largely depends on individual.

Conclusion – As I see, this is how we can understand as to how ascendant nakshatra can setup the life pattern for people with Krittika Nakshatra as the Ascendant.
