Interpretations of Rumi's Poem - Capacity

Interpretations of Rumi's Poem - Capacity

Please go through the introductory article to understand

the theme of these interpretations of Rumi’s literature.


Rumi’s Poem – Capacity.


Moonlight stretches out against the Skies

Your share of it depends on the size

Of the windows in your room. Your glass of wine

Dictates the granted measure of divine

Infinite love; and you will receive his grace

According to the breadth of your embrace.


My interpretation –


Divine is all pervading and rampant around us, within and without. There cannot be anything or anyone in this existence in which Divine is not present. It is like the Sky which is spread over our head. Sky is Vast or even better word will be infinite.

But if we see that Sky from the Window of our home, then Sky would look like the shape and size of Window only. It would look like that Sky is as limited as the Window itself. That Window only shows its own limitations of receptivity of infinite Sky.

Likewise, Divine is spread in every atom of this existence. Every Living & Non-Living thing has presence of Divine within itself. But we like to see the Divine from our own restrictive perception which is rooted in our conditionings. Each of us conditioned individual feels that his own Country, his own Religion, his own Caste and his own Community is the most Holy and Divine. For rest of the existence, we keep a view that they need to evolve and grow to reach our level. We always think of ourselves as “Higher Than Thou”.

As long as we are trying to understand Divine from these restrictive Windows, we will fail miserably. These restrictive Windows only show how much we can absorb or understand from the whole of Divine that is available. In a way, it only shows our limited readiness or capacity to receive the Divine.

To fathom the whole of Divine, we have to come out of our conditioned minds and accept the whole of existence as Divine or Holy. We have to accept the God in every so-called Good/Bad, Right/Wrong, Moral/Immoral act/thing/person because again Divine is present everywhere.

