Interpretations of Rumi's Poem - Dark Night of the Soul
Interpretations of Rumi's Poem - Dark Night of the Soul
Please go through the introductory article
to understand the theme of the interpretations of Rumi’s literature.
Rumi’s Poem – Dark Night of the Soul.
Of the rain at night no one is aware, for every soul is asleep.
Yet the freshness of the garden in the morning is evidence of the rain that no one saw.
My interpretation –
Although, I didn’t find the name of this Poem from the book but if I had to name it, I will call it “Dark Night of the Soul”. Let’s understand it –
This poem can be interpreted at three levels; i.e. Literal, Metaphorical or Spiritual. Let’s check both meanings.
As per my understanding,
Literal meaning–
When it rains during the night, we are not even aware as we are deep asleep, but when we wake-up in the morning and look at the nature outside then we realize that it had rained in the night.
Metaphorical –
When we go through a very difficult phase in life (night), we are incapable to see that there can be a blessing (rain) in disguise of those difficulties.
But when we wake up or become aware of the wholesome nature of life and we go through a pleasant phase in life (freshness of the garden) then we realize that it is the result of all the troubles we bravely faced during the dark times. Then we understand that even that dark phase was showering blessings on us which has now given us the benefits.
Spiritual –
Spiritually speaking, a seeker needs to go through arduous efforts in search of the Divine. At the time when he is going through that journey, it looks like a dark night and there seems to be no ray of hope to get to the Divine. It looks during that journey that the Divine is very cold and detached.
But when the journey is over and we attain the Divine then we realize that the arduous journey and all the efforts were very much part of the Divine plan and the Divine was guiding us throughout the journey because of which we have been able to reach our destination.