Interpretations of Rumi's Poem - AT THE PARTY

Interpretations of Rumi's Poem - AT THE PARTY

Please go through the introductory article to

understand the theme of these interpretations of Rumi’s literature.




Rumi’s Poem – AT THE PARTY.


“The party was crowded –

Of our secret love

I could give you no token.

They started a game of whispers,

I put my cheek to yours,

My heart was broken.”


My interpretation –

Again, this poem can be interpreted in at least two different ways or at two different levels. One would be at the level of individual/personal love and the other would be at the level of Divine Love.


Individual Love -

We can see this as a normal love story between two individuals where they are trying to keep it secret. Although, the lover and the beloved are at a party but as they want to keep their love secret, lover could not even acknowledge the beloved.

Then when people at party started the game of whispers and the lover turn came, all he could do was to only put his cheek to beloved but could not say much, as that could have spilt-off their secret. It left him heartbroken as he could not express his love.


Divine Love -

Now, if we just raise our vision little higher and see the same poem from a spiritual angle.

Now, the poet or Rumi is the person who is in love with Divine, but none knows much about Divine Love anyways. Hence, it is secret love. Rumi says that when people at party (we people in this world) enquired him about Divine specifically, he could not give any precise indication about Divine (Token). The party was crowded, there were people of all types and at all levels of evolution. Each understands and sees the divine with his own colored glasses.

Then when they started talking and arguing about the Divine (Game of Whispers), as you might be aware in the game of chinese whispers, everyone says their interpretation of what they hear, which might be very different from the "original", in the game it depends on the player's hearing acumen, while in real life, understanding the true nature of the divine depends on a person's intellectual acumen or receptivity. Rumi says he tried to give some indications (I put my cheek to yours) but they again missed it. This left Rumi heartbroken as he couldn’t convey in words what he experienced within self ( the experiences of divinity)

This has been the biggest difficulty for all enlightened being that they couldn’t give precise definition of God. Osho says that one, which is realized in silence, can never be explained in words. They can only indicate towards Divine but won’t be able to utter a single word about Divine. That’s why; they say that spiritual experiences are like a dumb person has tasted sweets. He has tasted it but now how to tell others about the taste of sweets. It is impossible for this person. That’s why; all spiritual people could only indicate towards Divine but could never speak about it.

Hope this helps. Thanks,