Interpretation of Rumi's Poem - Seeds.

Interpretation of Rumi's Poem - Seeds.

Please go through the introductory article to understand the theme of these interpretations of Rumi’s literature.

Rumi’s Poem – Seeds.

When you bury your secret deep in your heart, your wish will come through more quickly.

The secret of the seeds buried in the ground, manifest in the flourishing garden.

If gold and silver are not hidden, how can they age in the mine?

Interpretation -

As I understand, it is about keeping your divine search or divine love secret and away from random people as they won’t be able to understand what is it all about and moreover, they can make fun of the whole quest which can demotivate the seeker. So, be wise and selective about with whom you want to share your spiritual journey.
Hence, Rumi says – when you work on your divine search internally then it is easier and quicker to see the results of that search rather than going out and searching outward.

Just like when we sow seeds underneath the ground and give it care and nourishment then we see the flowers blooming in the garden. Likewise, the one who works hard on his spiritual journey within, his traits, characteristics and behavior and the way he lives his life in outer world will be the results (flowers) of his journey and hard work within.

Whatever is freely available to us, it loses its value. This is why humans are so cruel towards nature because we haven’t had to pay for it. If we had to pay for Oxygen per month then automatically, we won’t be cutting forests every day. Gold, Silver and Diamond gain their value because it is so difficult and dangerous to procure them from deep mines. They also gain value on the basis of time they spent under the Earth in Mine.

Likewise, a person automatically improves in his quality who has gone within himself.
