Sun as Atma Karaka

Sun as Atma Karaka

Please check this introductory article to understand the theme and purpose behind this series -

The First Article of the series - Sun as Atma Karaka. Let’s cover this article under following points -

Sun - Sun represents Personality, King, Government, Father, Authority, Career, Top Positions, Ego, Self Esteem, Health, Education etc.

Aatma Karaka - Aatma Karaka is the planet with the Highest Degree in our chart. It means this planet is Soul Significator. For proper understanding, this planet indicates your aim/purpose/destination of life. We are supposed to reach the place which is indicated by Aatma Karaka Planet, its position and house it rules. This will give us an idea of where we need to reach in this life.

Results of Sun as Atma Karaka - As I see, following results can be prominent when Sun becomes someone’s Atma Karaka -

1. First of all, let’s understand what authority means for a person like me? Many people think that Authority means that one would be working for Govt or King. Well, this is also one way of gaining authority or recognition in life but it is not the only way of gaining authority. Authority simply means that you have an authoritative say in your field of work. When you speak about that field then others would have to pay attention to you. There is no other option. Like, if Jim Carrey says something about Comic Acting then we have to listen to him or if Pele says something about Soccer then we have to pay attention. As I understand, this is authority.

2. So, when someone has Sun as Atma Karaka, it is very important for this person to gain authority, recognition and fame in this life. In a way, his destination or purpose in life is to become a known face in his field.

3. It is also a guidance that person should try to become his own authority, rather than working under others’ authority because while working under others, you may never achieve your highest potential of gaining authority and recognition.

4. As Sun also represents Father Figure, it shows that Father can be a motivational figure (either for good reason or bad reason) to gain authority. Like, the native may aim that I need to gain better authority and recognition than my Father.

5. Now, whichever house Sun rules in chart, native may want to gain authority and recognition in that area of life. Like, for an Aries ascendant, Sun rules 5th house/Leo but for a Cancer ascendant, Sun rules 2nd house/Leo. So, an Aries ascendant person may like to gain authority and recognition in matters of education and creativity whereas a Cancer ascendant person may like to wield his authority in family or through wealth related matters etc.

6. Then in whichever house/sign Sun sits in chart, person may gain authority or recognition from that area of life. Like, if Sun is in 3rd house/7th house/11th house then business or entrepreneurship may bring authority to person and if Sun is sitting in 5th house/9th house then education, guiding and counselling may bring authority and recognition to person. Likewise, for other houses.

7. If any planet is conjunct with Sun then it adds its own flavor of things/representations which can bring authority to person.

8. Now, as Sun is not a relationship oriented planet, the same authoritative attitude can be seen as egoistic attitude in relationship. So, this analysis is only limited to gaining authority in career and not in relation/family life.

Dignity - Dignity of Sun would indicate if the native will attain the purpose of Sun as Atma Karaka early in life or with delays in life. He will attain it easily or with difficulties. If Sun is in good dignity with impacts of benefic planets then it may indicate that person may find his destination easily or in early life itself whereas if Sun is losing dignity or impact of malefic planets are there on Sun then person may find his destination in later life.

Final conclusion would depend on overall analysis of chart with lots of other factors along with Sun’s position. Hence, it is just a small part of jigsaw puzzle.

Hope this helps. Thanks,