Sun as Amatya Karaka

Sun as Amatya Karaka

Please check this introductory article to understand the theme and purpose behind this series -

Let’s cover this article under following points -

Sun - Sun represents Personality, King, Government, Father, Authority, Career, Top Positions, Ego, Self Esteem, Health, Education etc.

Amatya Karaka - It is planet with the 2nd highest degree. It is known as Amatya Karaka or support to Soul Significator. Amatya means Minister, who helps the King (Atma Karaka). So, this planet and its position in chart will indicate towards things which will help you in finding your destination or life purpose. So, it is a drive up to destination. Amatya Karaka normally helps us in finding the right life path.

Results of Sun as Amatya Karaka - As I see, following results can be prominent when Sun becomes someone’s Amatya Karaka -

1. So, Amatya Karaka is a planet which tells us that what kind of people, things or activities can help us in reaching our destination which is indicated by Atma Karaka. Traditionally, Amatya word means The Minister. So, Amatya Karaka is like Minister or Facilitator to Atma Karaka. It provides the support or help to a person to achieve his destination in life.

2. So, when someone has Sun as Amatya Karaka, we can say that this person may get good amount of support from Father or Fatherly figures to reach his destination or life purpose in life.

3. It also shows support from authority figures at work.

4. It also shows support, benefits or favor from Govt which eventually prove to be helpful in reaching his destination in life.

5. If Sun is losing the dignity then person may reach his destination due to negative experiences with Father or Authority figures. For example, the case of Raphael Rowe ( comes into attention, who was wrongly convicted in a murder case by a Court but it only proved to be beneficial as after 10 years, he became journalist and started making documentaries on Prison Life in different parts of world. So, that negative experience with Govt and Courts actually helped him in finding his path in life.

6. Now, whichever house Sun rules in chart with Leo sign, native may also get some help or support from things or people related with that house. Again, this support can be positive or negative based on dignity of Sun or planets placed in Leo sign in chart.

7. Like, for Taurus ascendant, Sun rules 4th house/Leo. So, person may get support (either positive or negative) from Mother, Home Environment, People at Home or Home Land or from things like Real Estate.

8. Then in whichever house/sign Sun sits in chart, person may be further facilitated by the things or people related with that house. Like, if Sun is sitting in 5th house/9th house then creativity, love/romance partner, education, guiding and counselling may facilitate in reaching his destination in life. Likewise, for other houses.

9. If any planet is conjunct with Sun then it adds its own flavor of things/representations which can bring or block help to person.

Dignity - Dignity of Sun would indicate how the native will attain the purpose of Sun as Amatya Karaka or not in life? If Sun is in good dignity then good support can be provided and person may get the same in early life. But if Sun is losing the dignity or further impacted by malefic then person may not receive this support till late life or person may be facilitated in a negative way like I mentioned the case of Raphael Rowe. In later case, person may have lots of ego hurt or ego clashes in order to gain that support.

Final conclusion would depend on overall analysis of chart with lots of other factors along with Sun’s position.

Hope this helps. Thanks,