Sun as Matru Karaka

Sun as Matru Karaka

Please check this introductory article to understand the theme and purpose behind this series -

Let’s cover this article under following points -

Sun - Sun represents Personality, King, Government, Father, Authority, Career, Top Positions, Ego, Self Esteem, Health, Education etc.

Matru Karaka - It is planet with the 4th highest degree. It is known as Matru Karaka or Significator of Mother. This planet and its position in chart will indicate towards your relation with your Mother. It can also be seen for things like Property and Vehicles as Mother, Property and Vehicles all relate to 4th house. 

Results of Sun as Matru Karaka - As I see, following results can be prominent when Sun becomes someone’s Matru Karaka -

1. So, Matru Karaka is a planet which tells us about the relation we can have with our Mother. It also represents the other things or people related with 4th house as it is the planet with 4th highest degree. These are home, home land, home environment, real estate, private offices and peace of mind etc.

2. So, when someone has Sun as Matru Karaka, we can say that this person may get good amount of support from Mother or people from home in matters of gaining authority and recognition in career.

3. It also shows authority and recognition through working from home or from own private offices. This can be another position for a business person.

4. It shows an authoritative or strict Mother or a Mother who has to take up the role of Father, may be due to absence of Father for any reason whatsoever. It can be the other way around too where Father can be more motherly and nourishing or may have to perform that role due to absence of Mother.

5. It also shows authority and recognition coming from matters related with real estate.

6. If Sun is losing the dignity then person may gain his authority and recognition through negative experiences or lack of support from Mother or people at home. For example, a person can attain authority and recognition for Self quicker who gets no support from anyone in comparison to person who gets a lot of support from people around him but then he always remains dependent on others to get or sustain that authority.

7. At the same time, it shows ego clashes with Mother or people at home. Property matters can also become the reason behind ego clashes.

8. If Sun is in good dignity then it shows good support from Mother or other people at home and possibility of gaining authority through that support.

9. If any planet is conjunct with Sun then it adds its own flavor of things/representations which can bring or block the aforementioned results.

Dignity - Dignity of Sun would indicate how the native will attain the purpose of Sun as Matru Karaka in life? If Sun is in good dignity then good support can be provided by Mother or people at home and person may get the same in early life. But if Sun is losing the dignity or further impacted by malefic then person may not receive this support till late life or person may be facilitated in a negative way like I mentioned above. In later case, person may have lots of ego hurt or ego clashes in order to gain that support.

Final conclusion would depend on overall analysis of chart with lots of other factors along with Sun’s position.

Hope this helps. Thanks,