Moon as Amatya Karaka

Moon as Amatya Karaka

Please check this introductory article to understand the theme and purpose behind this series -



Let’s cover this article under following points -



Moon represents Mind, Emotions, Mother, Local Government, Peace of Mind, Home Environment, Water, Milk etc.



Amatya Karaka - It is planet with the 2nd highest degree. It is known as Amatya Karaka or support to Soul Significator. Amatya means Minister, who helps the King (Atma Karaka). So, this planet and its position in chart will indicate towards things which will help you in finding your destination or life purpose. So, it is a drive up to destination. Amatya Karaka normally helps us in finding the right life path.



Results of Moon as Amatya Karaka - As I see, following results can be prominent when Moon becomes someone’s Amatya Karaka -



1. As Moon is more a nourishing and care oriented planet, it represents works where we may be required to nourish people like a Mother, either directly or indirectly. So, Moon represents roles like Healer, Teacher, Consultant, Counsellor, Nourisher and Mother.



2. So, when someone has Moon as Amatya Karaka, it shows that person can be involved in any act of nourishing and taking care of others by which he gets to his destination which is represented by Atma Karaka.


Now, there can be confusion as to what is difference between Moon as Atma Karaka and Moon as Amatya Karaka if person needs to become a nourisher anyhow?


It can be understood through this example -


a. Suppose someone has Moon as Atma Karaka and Jupiter as Amatya Karaka. Then person needs to reach a position of nourisher and his knowledge/higher education will become the way to reach that position.


b. Then suppose someone has Jupiter as Atma Karaka and Moon as Amatya Karaka. In this case, person needs to reach a position of Guide/Guru and his ability or activity of nourishing others will become the way to reach that position.



3. It is also a guidance that person can be good at any work of nourishment, healing, teaching, counselling and consulting etc. Many a times they are also seen working in Milk Products related business.



4. As Moon also represents Mother, it shows that Mother can play an important role in this person’s life path and destination. They can be or should be seen as Motherly Figures in life through their work.



5. It also shows that someone can be in works related to child care and child birth. It also shows someone can have educational or healthcare institutions etc as way of nourishment.



6. As Home is the basic place of nourishment and care we all need, Moon as Amatya Karaka can also make someone go towards Housing Industry.



7. Now, whichever house Moon rules in chart with Cancer sign, that house also gives an indication that in which area of life, person can be motherly towards others. Like, for an Aquarius ascendant person, Moon rules 6th house/Cancer. Hence, person can be very motherly and nourisher in matters of health care and healing. But for a Scorpio ascendant like me, Moon rules 9th house/Cancer. So, person can be a nourisher through his teachings.



8. Then in whichever house/sign Moon sits in chart, that shows in which area or direction of life that nourishment will be exhibited. Like, for an Aquarius ascendant, if Moon is in 5th house/Gemini then that healing nourishment will be exhibited through teaching, guiding, counselling and creative matters or through dealing with children (either own or others). Likewise, for Scorpio ascendant person, if Moon is placed in 1st house/Scorpio then person can be nourishing and caring through his knowledge towards Self or his own motives.



9. If any planet is conjunct with Moon then it adds its own flavor of things/representations which can bring authority to person.



Dignity - Dignity of Moon would indicate if the native will attain the purpose of Moon as Atma Karaka early in life or with delays in life. He will attain it easily or with difficulties. If Moon is in good dignity with impacts of benefic planets then it may indicate that person may find his destination easily or in early life itself whereas if Moon is losing dignity or impact of malefic planets are there on Moon then person may find his destination in later life. Moon’s dignity and strength also indicates the kind of support the native may get from Mother in finding his destination in life.



Final conclusion would depend on overall analysis of chart with lots of other factors along with Moon’s position.



Hope this helps. Thanks,