Moon as Matru Karaka

Moon as Matru Karaka

Please check this introductory article to understand the theme and purpose behind this series -

Let’s cover this article under following points -

Moon represents Mind, Emotions, Mother, Local Government, Peace of Mind, Home Environment, Water, Milk etc.

Matru Karaka - It is planet with the 4th highest degree. It is known as Matru Karaka or Significator of Mother. This planet and its position in chart will indicate towards your relation with your Mother. It can also be seen for things like Property and Vehicles as Mother, Property and Vehicles all relate to 4th house. 

Results of Moon as Matru Karaka - As I see, following results can be prominent when Moon becomes someone’s Matru Karaka -

1. As Moon is more a nourishing and care oriented planet, it represents works where we may be required to nourish people like a Mother, either directly or indirectly. So, Moon represents roles like Healer, Teacher, Consultant, Counsellor, Nourisher and Mother.

2. So here, energy is kind of getting aligned as planet of Motherly nourishment is becoming again a planet of Motherly nourishment as per Jaimini Karakas too. We can also say that energy is more intensified now.

3. Now, the result of Moon as Matru Karaka largely depends on house position and sign based dignity of Moon. This will decide if the results of Moon as Matru Karaka will be positive or negative from surface.

4. If Moon is in good dignity in any of the houses in chart, it would show that person would be very motherly and nurturing towards things or people related with that house. Like, if Moon is in good dignity in 9th house then it shows that person is emotionally connected towards their Gurus or they can be very nurturing towards their students.

5. Likewise, in other houses, Moon as Matru Karaka in good dignity can be very nourishing or caring towards things or people related with that house.

6. Now, if Moon is losing the dignity or getting impacted by malefic then nurturing nature of Moon as Matru Karaka can take a negative turn. Like, they can still be nurturing or nourishing towards people or things related with the house where Moon is placed but may be this time, they are nurturing others for their own selfish interests or means.

7. Like, in the same example of Moon as Matru Karaka in 9th house in bad dignity or with malefic impact, now person will be nurturing his students for some selfish or mean interests.

8. Also, similar results can be seen as per the dignity of Moon as house lord. Whichever house Moon rules in the chart through Cancer sign, person can be nurturing towards that house related things or people in similar way as per dignity of Moon.

9. Their way of nurturing child as Mother can also be impacted as aforesaid based on the dignity of Moon.

Dignity - Dignity of Moon would also indicate if the native will attain the purpose of Moon as Matru Karaka early in life or with delays in life. He will attain it easily or with difficulties. If Moon is in good dignity with impacts of benefic planets then it may indicate that person may get aforementioned results easily or in early life itself whereas if Moon is losing dignity or impact of malefic planets are there on Moon then person may get the same results in later life. Moon’s dignity and strength also indicates the kind of support the native may get from their own Mother.

Final conclusion would depend on overall analysis of chart with lots of other factors along with Moon’s position.

Hope this helps. Thanks,