Astrological Chart = To Do List or Task At Hand

Astrological Chart = To Do List or Task At Hand

1.Suppose there is a Nuclear Plant established on the outskirts of a City and on the way to the Plant, there are some signboards which are telling you that Nuclear Plant Region is ahead and you should ideally be entering this region with all the protective gears on else it may impact your health adversely.

2.Suppose there is a road construction work going on and a few barricades are placed there to block or divert the traffic along with a signboard which says that “Please don’t go this side, construction work is on”.

3.Or the best example in current rainy season in India. Suppose there is a flood situation in some city or village of country and rescue workers have placed some roadblocks and obstacles to prevent people move in that flooded direction and with a signboard again which stops you from moving forward.

Then in all these cases, real danger or threat is at those places where an unpleasant event is expected or the real threat is in the signboard which is indicating about the possible threat?

I think we all will agree that real threat is at those places rather than signboard and actually that signboard is kind of helping us by alerting us about danger. Right?

Now, if we can be so wise in normal walk of life then why we can’t apply same wisdom in matters Astrology or Planetary Placements?

If someone has Saturn in 7th house then, by applying aforesaid logic, we can say that troubles are in 7th house related matters and Saturn is only a signboard which is indicating towards possible trouble.

If someone has Ketu in 6th house then we can say that troubles are in 6th house related matters and Ketu is only a signboard which is indicating towards possible trouble.

We need to understand and accept that the signboard of Danger with Skull and Bones is not the ACTUAL DANGER. It is only indicating towards the probable danger. Likewise, a Planet placed in a house/sign is not the problem. That poor Planet is indicating towards a possible problem.

Hence, rather than getting scared or afraid of Saturn’s position in our chart or Ketu’s position in our chart or their upcoming dashas, we should focus on what these “signboards” are indicating us and we should start working on those lines.

It is not that Saturn is causing delays and frustration in the house related matters wherever it is placed in your chart but as I see, Saturn is indicator that delay and frustration can come through that house related things or people and we need to develop hard work, patience & perseverance as traits to deal with that area of life.

It is not that Ketu in 4th house is causing your separation from assets and real estate matters but as I see, Ketu in 4th house is indicating that possibility of separation from 4th house related things or people are there and you need to develop detachment from those things or people so that you can deal with separation in a much better and more dignified way.

This is where I feel that we need to develop this approach that our astrological chart shows how our life should be rather that how our life would be. It is a like “To Do List” or “Task At Hand” which we need to accomplish rather than something which we are destined to face.

As I always say that Planets, Signs, Houses and Nakshatras represent 1000s of things or people from our life. Many a times they represent contradictory things too. Like, Saturn represents Procrastination and Hard Work both. Mars represents Destruction and Protection both. So eventually, it is our choice as to we want to be procrastinating or hard working. It is our choice if we want to be protective or destructive.

With Saturn in 1st house/Capricorn, it is not given that person would definitely and automatically be Structured, Organized and Disciplined. But as I said, Saturn is the indicating pointer which shows that person should become Structured, Organized and Disciplined to avoid disappointments, frustration and limited results of 1st house/Capricorn.

Somehow I feel that this way of understanding astrology or astrological chart has proved to be harmful that “whatever is in chart is bound to happen” because first of all it is impossible to interpret everything indicated by a chart as every planetary position can be interpreted in 1000s of ways. Then a procrastinating and lazy human mind finds its shelter in this logic that when anyways everything is pre-destined as per chart then what is the use of me putting effort.

This is where I feel that we need to change our ways of interpreting charts and planetary positions and start giving responsibility to ourselves that a chart is showing 1000s of possibilities and we need to choose the most evolved possibility for our own evolution through this life.

Also, if we start taking Planets as signboards, as mentioned above, then we won’t need any remedy too because we never worship a signboard to avoid possible danger. We take proactive measures accordingly to avoid probable danger. Likewise, we need to understand that performing remedies related with Planets (signboards) are not going to help us unless and until we start taking proactive measures to get into more evolved actions as per those planetary positions.

Remedies and Worships can bring optimism, positivity and mental peace but they cannot change the results to more evolved level if we refuse to take more evolved actions as per planetary position.

During a recent discussion, a client asked me the remedies of Yogas like Shrapit Yoga, Vish Yoga and Pishach Yoga and I happened to say that it is necessary to give such fearsome names to these yogas because then only astrologers can sell-off their remedies and gemstones to you after creating fear in mind.

As I have no remedy or gemstones to sell, I don’t see them as difficult yogas. It would be better if we understand these combinations and work accordingly to take more evolved actions, so that we can deal them in a much better way.

So, for me, Astrological Chart or Planetary Positions are like To Do List or Task At Hand for this life so that we can learn and evolve through this life.

Hope this helps. Thanks,