Mars as Atma Karaka

Mars as Atma Karaka

Please check this introductory article to understand the theme and purpose behind this series -

Let’s cover this article under following points -

Mars – Mars represents our will power, courage, ability to take actions, aggressive nature, anger, our fighting ability, brother, male friends, a boyfriend for a girl, a soldier, an athlete and real estate etc. Basically, Mars represents actions/efforts, and wherever it transits, we start or we should start taking actions in that area of life.

Aatma Karaka - Aatma Karaka is the planet with the Highest Degree in our chart. It means this planet is Soul Significator. For proper understanding, this planet indicates your aim/purpose/destination of life. We are supposed to reach the place which is indicated by Aatma Karaka Planet, its position and house it rules. This will give us an idea of where we need to reach in this life.

Results of Mars as Atma Karaka - As I see, following results can be prominent when Mars becomes someone’s Atma Karaka -

1.Mars is a planet of dominance, control, will power and strength. Hence, professions related with these traits like Soldier, Police Officer, Sports Person, Lawyer or any profession where we are supposed to protect or safeguard others are ideal professions as per Mars.

2.So, when someone has Mars as Atma Karaka, it shows that person needs to reach the destination in life where he is seen as a protector or someone who safeguards others. Not necessary that everyone needs to become Soldier or Police Person. Any nature of work where you are protecting interests and well-being of others is Mars nature of work.

3. Mars as Atma Karaka can make someone very much interested in Sports too. Besides that Doctor, Lawyer, Engineer and Land related work is also Mars ruled work.

4. As Mars also represents Brothers or Male Friends in life, it shows that Mars being Atma Karaka means that these people can become instrumental or important in finding the destination in life for native.

5.Now, whichever house Mars rules in your chart through Aries and Scorpio signs, those houses would also indicate possible destination in life as to in which areas of life person can be interested. It also shows that who all will be important to the native in his life.

6.Then in whichever house/sign Mars sits in chart, that shows in which area or direction of life that protection or care will be exhibited. Like, for a Sagittarius ascendant, if Mars is in 4th house/Pisces then native can be protector or defender of home land. But for Scorpio ascendant person, if Mars is placed in 1st house/Scorpio then person can be protector or defender as Lawyer or Doctor as Mars rules the 6th house too here.

7. If any planet is conjunct with Moon then it adds its own flavor of things/representations which can bring authority to person.

Dignity - Dignity of Mars would indicate if the native will attain the purpose of Mars as Atma Karaka early in life or with delays in life. He will attain it easily or with difficulties. If Mars is in good dignity with impacts of benefic planets then it may indicate that person may find his destination easily or in early life itself whereas if Mars is losing dignity or impact of malefic planets are there on Mars then person may find his destination in later life. Mars dignity and strength also indicates the kind of support the native may get from Brother or Male Friends in finding his destination in life.

Final conclusion would depend on overall analysis of chart with lots of other factors along with Mars’s position.

Hope this helps. Thanks,