Jupiter as Atma Karaka

Jupiter as Atma Karaka

Please check this introductory article to understand the theme and purpose behind this series - https://www.astrosaxena.com/articles/NewSeries-PlanetsasJaiminiKarakas-IntroductoryArticle

Let’s cover this article under following points -

Jupiter - Jupiter is the most benefic planet and it represents all the auspicious things like Knowledge, Wisdom, Law, Guru, Spirituality, Religion, Philosophy, Literature, Expansion of Things and Elderly People. For a girl, Jupiter also represents Husband.

Aatma Karaka - Aatma Karaka is the planet with the Highest Degree in our chart. It means this planet is Soul Significator. For proper understanding, this planet indicates your aim/purpose/destination of life. We are supposed to reach the place which is indicated by Aatma Karaka Planet, its position and house it rules. This will give us an idea of where we need to reach in this life.

Results of Jupiter as Atma Karaka - As I see, following results can be prominent when Jupiter becomes someone’s Atma Karaka -

1. Jupiter is a planet of wisdom, knowledge, divine Guru and guidance. It is the most benefic planet. It is also the planet of religion, philosophy, literary work and spirituality. In materialistic life, it represents Family, Children, Wealth and what you value in life.

2. So, when someone has Jupiter as Atma Karaka, it shows that person needs to reach the position in life where he is seen as a Guru, Guide or Teacher by others. That is his destination in life. Now, it can be teacher in any field but basically he should be in any position of sharing knowledge to the people.

3. Jupiter as Atma Karaka can make someone very much interested in any work of teaching others. Now, it can be a Professor in an University, it can be a Director of a Movie or a Spiritual Guru etc.

4. Jupiter is also a Family oriented planet. So, when Jupiter becomes someone’s Aatma Karaka, person can be seen as family person and someone who always looks after his family and guides them. Or we can also say that for the best results of Jupiter, person should function like a Guru to his family.

5. As Jupiter also represents Children, person can be involved in any work related to Children as his destination in life.

6. Basically, their destination in life is to reach a position of Guru in any field. It may sound crazy but even if someone is a Crime Lord then he is Guru to many new criminals.

7. Now, whichever house Jupiter rules in your chart through Sagittarius and Pisces signs, those houses would also indicate possible destination in life as to in which areas of life person can be interested. It also shows that who all will be important to the native in finding his life destination.

8. Then in whichever house/sign Jupiter sits in chart, that shows in which area or direction of life that protection or care will be exhibited. Like, for a Aries ascendant, if Jupiter is in 10th house/Capricorn then native can be seen as Guru or Teacher due to his work or at work place. But for Leo ascendant person, if Jupiter is placed in 12th house/Cancer then person can be seen as Guru in Spiritual, Mystical or Psychological matters.

9. If any planet is conjunct with Jupiter then it adds its own flavor of things/representations which can bring authority to person.

Dignity - Dignity of Jupiter would indicate if the native will attain the purpose of Jupiter as Atma Karaka early in life or with delays in life. He will attain it easily or with difficulties. If Jupiter is in good dignity with impacts of benefic planets then it may indicate that person may find his destination easily or in early life itself whereas if Jupiter is losing dignity or impact of malefic planets are there on Jupiter then person may find his destination in later life. Jupiter dignity and strength also indicates the kind of support the native may get from his teachers or Gurus in finding his destination in life.

Final conclusion would depend on overall analysis of chart with lots of other factors along with Jupiter’s position.

Hope this helps. Thanks,