Joint Impact on Sagittarius Sign from May 2025 to May 2026
Joint Impact on Sagittarius Sign from May 2025 to May 2026
From May, 2025 to May, 2026, we will see a joint impact on sign of Sagittarius when Saturn-Jupiter-Ketu will aspect Sagittarius sign from their respective transit positions. This article is an attempt to understand the impact of this joint aspect on transit. Let’s cover it on following points –
Let’s cover all points one after the other –
Sagittarius Sign - Sagittarius is the 9th sign of Zodiac Belt, hence it represents many things related with the 9th house of horoscope like Religion, Knowledge, Wisdom, Higher Learnings, Gurus, Teachings from your Father etc. Besides it also represents Coaching, Universities, Professors and Preachers, Higher Wisdom, Written Law of the Land etc. Sagittarius has 2 and half nakshatra which are Mula, Purva-Ashadha and Uttara-Ashadha. Sagittarius' lord is Jupiter.
Planets Involved – Now, let’s see which planets will be aspecting Sagittarius sign during mid-2025 to mid-2026 -
Saturn - Saturn will be transiting Pisces sign from March, 2025 for next 2.5 years. From Pisces, its 10th aspect will go on to Sagittarius. -
Jupiter - Jupiter will be transiting Gemini sign from May, 2025 to June, 2026. From Gemini, Jupiter’s 7th aspect will be on Sagittarius. As Jupiter will be aspecting its own sign, it will protect and safeguard things related with house where Sagittarius falls in chart or things related with Sagittarius itself. -
Ketu - Ketu will transit into Leo sign in May, 2025 and from Leo, Ketu’s 5th aspect will be on Sagittarius. So, along with Saturn-Jupiter, Ketu’s apect will also impact Sagittarius. -
Previous Similar Impact - It is very interesting to note that a very similar impact in transit happened about 12 years back in mid of 2013-14 when Jupiter from Gemini, Saturn from Libra and Ketu from Aries again aspected Sagittarius sign. So, reflecting back at events in your life in 2013-14 can bring you an idea or guidance as to what you can expect now in this similar transit in 2025-26. If I reflect back then I will realize that I gained most of my astrology related information during 2013-14 which made me confident enough to quit my job in 2015.
Joint Impact of Planetary Aspects on Sagittarius - Now, let’s see which planet is indicating what on Sagittarius sign during 2025-26 -
Saturn - It is Saturn’s 10th aspect on Sagittarius from Pisces. 10th aspect of Saturn has 10th house energy of duty and responsibility in life. So, Saturn is indicating towards taking responsibility of the house where Sagittarius falls in chart. We also need to take responsibility of Sagittarius related things; i.e. religion, philosophy, literature, education and guidance. It means “Walk The Talk”. Work towards what you believe in.
Ketu - It is Ketu’s 5th aspect on Sagittarius from Leo. Ketu’s 5th aspect has the energy of 5th house of Education and we need to educate ourselves in matters of the house/sign where 5th aspect of Ketu is going. So, in this case, we need to educate ourselves in matters of the house where Sagittarius falls in chart. It can also be education in Sagittarius related activities i.e. Religion, Philosophy, and Literature etc.
Jupiter - Jupiter’s 7th aspect is all about sharing knowledge with others. Now, to share knowledge, we should 1st have the knowledge. So, we need to gain the knowledge in the house related matters where Jupiter will be transiting in Gemini and then through that knowledge and awareness, we are supposed to protect and safeguard the house where Sagittarius falls in our chart. This is how Jupiter aspecting its own sign Sagittarius can be a protective factor to it.
Saturn-Ketu joint impact on any house/sign almost nullifies majority of results of that house/sign as they both are not providers. In this case, in order to gain something from Sagittarius or from the house where Sagittarius falls in chart, we need to educate ourselves (Ketu) in that area of life, take-up responsibility (Saturn) in that area of life and safeguard ourselves through knowledge, guidance and awareness (Jupiter) gained from the house where Jupiter transits in Gemini.
Joint Impact of Planetary Aspects on Sagittarius – As Sagittarius remains sign of religion, philosophy, literature, education and guidance, this joint aspect on Sagittarius can bring following results –
1. People can be inclined towards higher education.
2. People can be inclined towards understanding different religions, philosophy and people of different ethnicity.
3. Work of counselling and guiding can reach new heights during this transit.
5. People can also be interested in religious pursuits or understanding belief system of own or others.
6. Although Pisces is sign of spirituality but for many, this religious inclination may begin the journey towards spirituality too.
7. People can be interested in going for long distance travels.
8. Now, it depends on evolution level of person’s soul and his awareness level on how he utilizes this energy? A politician of lower evolution level can use the same energy of religion and philosophy in dividing the people and nurturing fundamentalism whereas a student can utilize the same energy for his higher education and a spiritually evolved person can utilize for his spiritual pursuits and bringing the people together on common grounds.
So at the end of the day, the final results depend on individual chart and evolution level of individual.
Impact on houses involved – Then the house where Sagittarius falls in your chart will also become important and we will see that house related results. Like –
For a Cancer ascendant person, this transit should be a time to be careful about health or conflicts as it is impacting 6th house/Sagittarius transit for them but Taurus ascendant people should be careful against any sudden event or accident as it is 8th house/Sagittarius transit for them. For Sagittarius ascendant people, it is like whole life is going through a new beginning as ascendant represents overall life.
We can see these houses from Moon also and we can get idea of some results. Like, I am Taurus Moon and this is 8th house transit from Moon. So, my mind may feel lots of instability during this transit impact but for Leo Moon people, it can be 5th house impact. So, that person can have a sort of frustrating feeling in matters of 5th house (happiness). This frustrating and limiting feeling will be more towards Jeeva Karakas of the house involved rather than Ajeeva Karaka of the same house -
Then every house is somewhere connected with other houses. Like, 2nd house is 8th from 7th house and 11th house is 8th from 4th house. Hence, we can see the results like this too. Like, for an Aquarius ascendant, it is 11th house transit which is 8th from 4th house. It means that besides 11th house results, they can relocate, travel or they need to be careful about mother’s health.
Last but not the least, if person has any planet in Sagittarius sign in his birth chart then it will also give its result.
Conclusion – So during next one year, we need to educate, learn and take responsibility towards Sagittarius related things or towards things or people of the house where Sagittarius falls in chart.