Lapis Lazuli - My Experience.

Lapis Lazuli - My Experience.

Traditionally I have kept myself away from giving any recommendation or consultation on Remedies and Gemstones (Rems/Gems). I have written a few articles on this topic ( , , and ). The main reasons behind my reluctance towards Rems/Gems were following -

a. My lack of own experience on effectiveness of Rems/Gems.

b. People’s extreme reliance on Rems/Gems rather than hard work and efforts.

c. People having ego Satisfaction and blaming the Rems/Gems for lack of results.

Although, I still accepted Rems/Gems for following reasons -

i. Positive and optimistic mindset.

ii. Alignment with energy.

iii. Surrendering of ego.

In earlier articles, I have discussed all these reasons (for & against Rems/Gems) in detail, but the main reason remained that when I tried any Rems/Gems, nothing worked for me or at least not in the way I desired. So, lack of my own experience regarding effectiveness of Rems/Gems was the main reason why I was reluctant to suggest them to people.

Now, the experience happened -

Last month (Feb, 2025), one of my friends sent me a Mala/Necklace as a gift. When it came, I knew nothing about it. As I am anyways wearing couple of Malas (Gurudwara Mala and Osho’s Initiation Mala), I thought “well, what is the big deal, let’s have another one.”

So, I wore it on 17th Feb, 2025 and within 24 hours, I was feeling a great urge to limit myself within. It was an urge to take back all the energy I was giving to people and world around me and keep it within me. From then, I am hardly initiating any conversation with anyone. I am only responding to people when they call or message me. I am initiating conversation or saying something only when I have to and I am pushed to. Even in conversations, I am responding through emojis and indicative languages. So basically, there is no desire to connect with anyone at personal level and give my energy to another person unless there is a great need for it.

Now, I am anyways an introvert person and in my personal life, I can go through whole day without speaking a single word. Whatever I speak or communicate, I do due to professional reason. So, being an introvert is not an alien experience to me but still, this silence is different and I can easily feel the difference.

As the whole thing started within 24 hours of wearing this new Mala, I was bound to link this experience with this Mala.

Then I researched about it.

After little bit of online search, I found that this Mala is made of beads of a stone which is known as Lapis Lazuli.

Lapis Lazuli is a substitute stone for Blue Sapphire (Neelam). Hence, it is a stone for Saturn. Although, Lapis Lazuli also has energy or significance of Jupiter in it. So, it is a stone which can be opted for Saturn and Jupiter both.

And now, if we see closely then all the results I am feeling from last one month are very Saturnine where I am restricting and limiting my energy within. Basically, there is no desire to connect with anyone at personal level.

So, I was able to see and connect that all these results are very Saturnine and Lapis Lazuli being the stone of Saturn and Jupiter was instrumental in bringing these results.

Then I reflected back over this matter from astrological point of view -

1. During my Rahu MD, I didn’t get any result or experience through any of the Rems/Gems I opted or as I said, I didn’t get the result I desired. As Rahu represents illusion, may be I was supposed to live a life of illusion throughout my Rahu MD (and it was actually a life of illusion), hence no Rems/Gems worked for me or even if they had worked, I was ignorant enough to understand their impact.

2. Now, if I reflect back then it might be a possibility that because of Rahu’s illusion effect, I opted for wrong Rems/Gems during my Rahu MD.

3. Also, if I am getting any result after use of Rems/Gems which is not as per my desire or against my desire then also there is some result coming out of it. It is just that it is not what I wanted. So basically, it is active/functioning/working but not as per my desires.

4. As I always say that it is difficult for human ego to accept that I am doing something wrong. Hence, it becomes more convenient to say that Rems/Gems don’t work and become repulsive towards them.

5. Then I entered my Jupiter MD. As Jupiter is so strongly placed in 9th house/Cancer/Pushya, may be there was no need for any remedy or gemstone to support life at that time. Awareness kicked into my life along with Jupiter MD through religious studies, astrology and spiritual insights of Osho. All these things helped me to sail through Jupiter MD. We can say that these things were remedies throughout my Jupiter MD and I regularly dealt with them.

6. Now, I am in Jupiter-Rahu dasha. This means I am in Sandhi Period and going towards Saturn MD. Moreover, my Rahu is with Saturn in 10th house/Leo. So, Rahu AD has started giving me results of Saturn MD and in this period, this stone of Lapis Lazuli is coming to me without even asking. This may mean that I need this stone during Saturn MD, hence existence managed to send it to me.

7. Even Jupiter is in Pushya Nakshatra ruled by Saturn. So, Saturn-Jupiter energy coming together and this stone has energy for both planets; i.e. Saturn and Jupiter.

8. What I am trying to say that existence is conscious enough to know our needs and what we will need in a particular time period. So, we need not to go on a frantic search of anyRems/Gems during any time period rather we just need to see what existence is bringing us and be receptive towards it.

9. It can also be the case that as I am more receptive and sensitive now towards occult matters after 10 years in this profession, I am able to receive the effects and results more apparently than in my Rahu MD.

10. So, we can also say that receptivity and sensitivity of native is also important in order to get results from Rems/Gems. If someone is keeping a prejudiced mind that Rems/Gems don’t work then it is very difficult for that person to see the effects even when they are right over his face. He may remain in denial mode.

Saying all this, I would still refrain from advising other people about the right remedy or gemstone. It is because as I understood now, it is very individual or subjective thing as to which remedy or stone may work for whom. I don’t think we can make a generic view that for everyone going through Saturn dashas, Lapis Lazuli will be a great stone just because it gave results to me. I would leave it on individual to be receptive towards Rems/Gems which universe brings into his life at different stages in life, experiment with them and then decide for himself as to which one is giving better results.

When I didn’t accept remedies/gemstones, it was because of my lack of or no experience at all with them and today because of my experience only, I can say that gemstones work. I have no problem with contradicting myself and in a way there is no contradiction as common thread over both assertion is EXPERIENCE.

“Only dead people are consistent. Try to be alive, with all its inconsistencies, and live each moment without any reference to the past, without any reference to the future either. Live the moment in the context of the moment, and your response will be total. And that totality has beauty, and that totality is creativity. Then whatsoever you do will have a beauty of its own.” Osho
