Rahu in Libra. 

Rahu in Libra. 

A thing to remember here is that these posts are strictly meant for the particular planet position. Like, today we are looking at Rahu in Libra, so the description given here may change for you if your Rahu is although in the sign of Libra but with conjunction with or aspected by other planets. --

Rahu represents illusion, foreign lands, foreign things (foreign as in unknown things. So, for someone living in Punjab, culture and rituals of Kerala is also unknown and hence Foreign), Drugs, Medicines, any type of intoxication, fame, wealth, success, obsession, past-life left-over karma, movies, television, online world, cheating, imagined fears, unusual things, unique things, creativity, rule breaker. Rahu also blows things out of proportions. 

Libra is the 7th sign of zodiac belt, hence it represents the energy and things related with 7th house of horoscope, i.e. market place, business, partnerships, relations etc. Basically Libra is sign of relationships. Libra is consisted of another 2 and half Nakshatra named Chitra, Swati and Vishakha. Libra's lord is Venus.

One thing we have to remember with posts related with Rahu through Signs is that Rahu converts himself as the lord of the sign it is sitting in and then amplifies quality of lord. Like, when Rahu is in Libra, Rahu will take all the qualities of Venus (Lord of Libra) and then will amplify those qualities out of limit. Rahu also does same to the planet it is sitting with. Like, if Rahu is with Saturn then it will take all the qualities of Saturn and blow them out of proportion during Rahu MD or Saturn MD. It is always better to have Rahu alone in a house rather than conjunct with a planet. Another thing with Rahu is that recently I have come across of the view that Rahu and Ketu don't have aspects on 5th or 9th house, for the simple reason that they are shadow planets and for aspects you need a sight not shadow. I am yet to verify it on at least 50 charts, so for now I will continue with traditional approach of 5th and 9th aspects of Rahu. Ideal placement for Rahu is to sit with an exalted planet, then it takes all the qualities of the exalted planet and amplifies them. 

As I said earlier, Rahu is the reason why we re-incarnate in this world. The sign or house placement of Rahu actually shows the area of life we need to perfect or master. So, when Rahu is in the sign of Libra which is basically a sign of relationship, these people actually are the one who are not only obsessed about relation but are looking for a perfect relationship. But if they don't tend to find that perfect partner, they prefer to remain single. Because basically they are here for perfect relationship and there is nothing like perfect relationship. So relationship wise, it is both good and bad placement and totally depends on how we see it? As Venus also represents Creativity and Arts, these people are highly creative and extremely artistic and use their obsession creatively. Libra is also a sign of Agreements and Deals, so this is another placement for becoming a Lawyer. This can make a smart businessman too. There are two ways to look at the results of all these acts. Some people say that all these acts are paying them money in the end, hence they are doing it. I feel that money is the most natural outcome of any work. You do any work in this world and you will get money. There is no work in the world which doesn't pay you back. So, I feel that the basic fact that they are dedicating themselves to a higher cause is meaningful and most important. Money is an outcome which is bound to come.

Things which may impact Rahu's effect in Libra are obviously different Nakshatras Rahu may be positioned. If Rahu is in Chitra Nakshatra, then Mars will impact Rahu's results. If Rahu is in Swati Nakshatra, then Rahu is in its own Nakshatra. Similarly, if Rahu is in Vishakha Nakshatra, then Jupiter's position will be key factor. 

Sign-lord wise, Venus is lord of Libra. So, Venus will have highest say in what result Rahu can give. 



Swami Premanand Bharti